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Problem-Solving drives the Wright Brothers, Apple, and Cryptocurrencies

The Wright Brothers, Orville, and Wilbur were two American aviation pioneers who achieved the first powered, sustained, and controlled flight of a heavier-than-air aircraft on December 17, 1903. They were born in Dayton, Ohio, in the mid-1800s, to a family of six children. Their parents, Susan and Milton Wright, were devout Christians who exercised an extraordinary influence on their children's lives.

Growing up in a Christian household, the Wright brothers were taught the value of hard work, determination, and perseverance. Their father, Milton, was a bishop in the United Brethren Church and instilled in them a powerful sense of morality and discipline. Their mother, Susan, was an excellent organizer and encouraged her children to pursue their interests and passions. 

The Wright brothers started their journey on the path to aviation as printers and bicycle makers. They were fascinated with the idea of flying and spent countless hours reading about the latest developments in aviation. They also built their own gliders and tested them at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. 

Their early glider experience taught them the importance of solving the problem of lift and control. They realized that the key to successful flight was to develop a system of control that would allow the pilot to maneuver the aircraft in the air. They spent years experimenting with distinctive designs and testing them in their wind tunnel. 

Finally, in 1903, they achieved their goal of powered, sustained flight. They made the invention public and went into business, creating the Wright Company to manufacture and sell their aircraft. Their success was a testament to their perseverance and dedication to solving a problem that had plagued humanity for centuries. 

Their approach to innovation and problem-solving is reminiscent of Apple's philosophy of starting with WHY. Apple's focus has always been on solving problems and making technology accessible to everyone. They believe that technology should be intuitive and easy to use, and they strive to create products that are both beautiful and functional. 

The blockchain technology industry is also focused on solving problems. Cryptocurrencies like Ripple, Stellar, XDC, and Hbar are designed to provide utility and solve real-world problems. They offer fast and secure payment systems that can be used by anyone, anywhere in the world. They are also decentralized, which means that they are not controlled by any one entity or government.  

In conclusion, the Wright Brothers' journey to powered flight is a testament to the power of perseverance, hard work, and problem-solving. They were able to achieve what many had thought impossible, and their legacy continues to inspire innovators and entrepreneurs today. The Apple philosophy of starting with WHY and the blockchain industry's focus on solving problems are both rooted in the same principles that drove the Wright Brothers to achieve their goals. These principles of innovation and problem-solving will continue to shape our world for years to come. 


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