Episode 07: Embracing Innovation for Progress, Not Problems

Innovation has been the driving force for progress throughout history. This holds especially true for the 21st century where humanity is faced with unprecedented challenges that require innovative solutions. From climate change to pandemics, humanity has shown remarkable resilience in the face of adversity. The recent coronavirus pandemic has demonstrated just how effectively and quickly humanity can come together to tackle a common challenge. The biggest lesson learned from this experience is that we need to embrace innovation and collaboration to tackle these problems in the future. Innovation is all around us and it is up to us to harness it for good, to create a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. In this audio blog, we will delve into how embracing innovation can help us move forward, not just fix problems. 


Hey there,

I’m Shola Awoniyi . I'm a gospel drummer, from service agents, SA.

By the grace of God, I support the Body of Christ, whenever He supplies me, the grace to function for Him!

Much Love



Episode 08: Crypto Means Utility, Exploring the Future Proof of Cryptocurrency in Everyday Life


Episode 06: Digital Assets and Real Estate, Decentralization Value, and Equity Parallels